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Labor Day Weekend 2022 After-Action Report

Writer's picture: L. Roy AikenL. Roy Aiken

The unofficial end of the United States’ summer season left with neither a bang nor a whimper. It just shuffled in muttering to itself, then stood around muttering to itself. After some long hours, with a lone, choked sob, it shuffled away….


I’d thought I’d be used to it by now, but the feeling is only more acute. Although Labor Day isn’t a red-white-and-blue patriotic holiday, it is uniquely American, and as such we find ourselves once again feeling awkward, observing another holiday of a country that has long since ceased to exist. Labor Day is just another day the mail doesn’t run. Whoever died for this, died for…this. That’s all.

The two biggest items in the news this weekend were not COVID (still going around as a now-permanent fixture of our society) nor the Russian pacification of Ukraine. First, the Child Molester in Chief installed by the Deep State gave a speech the Thursday night before in Philadelphia. Standing in front of the most luridly lit “Gates of Hell” set for any presidential address, Joe Biden spoke of “hope and unity” and “going forward,” before declaring supporters of Donald Trump as enemies of “the soul of our democracy” and all but declaring war upon them. I was reminded of the “if you’re not with us, you’re against us,” line from the beneficiary of another stolen election, George W. Bush. Conservatives and dissidents alike didn’t make the connection, but they were duly astonished.

Supposedly, even some Democrats were appalled, but I doubt it was any significant number. One tweet celebrating the mass arrests of Trump supporters that must surely follow was tweeted and deleted, and the rhetoric walked back with another video in which a reporter asks about Biden’s declared war on half the country and he said “I didn’t say that” when he clearly did. As of Tuesday, Friday’s speech and its imagery were buried and one can be sure that if anyone brings it up again, the “I didn’t say that” video will be brought out as the definitive, official, and inarguable refutation.

Psyop or stupid? I’m going with psyop, because the creeps dressing and lighting the set blood red and dark like something out of V for Vendetta knew what they were doing. Like the bulk of the regime’s propaganda, it was about demoralizing the population. That they walk it back and deny it happened and—most importantly—get away with their obvious mendacity, is the thick sweet frosting on the cake.

Such a gross, degenerate and mad-cackling evil world as we live in was unimaginable 10 to 15 years ago. Yet here we are. I don’t understand how the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage led to the horrors of children put on puberty blockers and mutilated, of sexual predators dancing in dresses for kindergarten and elementary schoolers, but things certainly did accelerate into the abyss after that. Then there’s the gross propagandizing and grooming in the schools.

I almost typed out something about how this would have brought out the pitchforks and torches lynch mobs back in the day when I was growing up but I realize immediately how false that is. Our parents then were as parents are now, angry, but they’re not going for their guns. For the best example I can remember, I offer the forced school integration of the early 1970s. White children would have to make the bus stop early in the freezing dark to be bussed across town to black schools, where they were not kindly received. Upon reflection, I see the same sadism in those policies as was behind the Wuhan Flu/Coronavirus/COVID mandates.

The point is, for all that, our parents did not go for their guns. The workaround was starting up their own schools. Parents who could afford these proudly segregated “academies” as they were called in the beginning, sent their children there. I was one of those children. The rest did the best they could, with the honors and gifted students programs within public schools to segregate whites and blacks.

This, by the way, is a good thing. Our ruling trash has been trying to provoke a shooting war with its problem population for some time. Biden’s Gates of Hell speech beneath a glowing aurora of blood, Marines in full dress uniforms with their white gloves ghostly in the darkness behind him, was just one more gentle poke. The disaster at Uvalde was a sharper one.

I read something on 4chan on Friday, 9 September in which someone wrote of actually hanging with elites in New Zealand and learning how and why the COVID psyop came about. The two takeaways that incline me to believe this crazy story is the assertion from the elites that all the COVID players, even that smirking quack Dr. Fauci, were disposable pawns set up to be fed to the angry mob who realized the vaxx was killing people. I find that incredible, given the way the man was worshipped as the Only Begotten Son of Science, but I’m reminded we have no idea what our ruling trash actually looks like. The other, and most important takeaway is that populations are being set up to hate their own governments. This can be seen all over the remnants of Western civilization and what used to be called Christendom. When things reach the breaking point, that’s when the globalists—no doubt led by the Antichrist, or his immediate antecedent—swoop in to save the day.

Of course, this could all be another psyop. Seeing how the Gates of Hell speech was presented, walked back, then buried, I’m reminded how much I need to further detach from the media narrative. I used to be a member of Gab, then quit, then went to lurking. As of Thursday, 8 September, I deleted the link I followed. I’m tired of being stoked into impotent rages over this, that, and the other. The End of Days is on. The tribulations are just getting warmed up. If I follow anything, it should be God’s Word. Everything else happening in the world is just detail designed to emotionally inflame and misdirect.

What happened to “this may not be the End of Days, but it’ll do for a prologue”? A Disney cartoon, of all things. Of course, this is A.D. 2022 and we’re light years away from the old wholesome animated features like Snow White and Cinderella, et al. This year’s offering is called Li’l Demon, about a middle-school girl who is the spawn of Satan and actually called the Antichrist in the trailer. Funny how that’s the only way you’ll hear “Christ” in a movie or television show that isn’t a swear word, yet here we are.

The creators no doubt are already saying this cartoon is for adults but the main character is clearly a child in middle school—who, on her first day of middle school, inadvertently murders most of the student body when she inadvertently opens up a dimensional hole above the school in the course of being bullied by some boys. You see a child getting the flesh torn from his body and sucked into the dimensional hole. If he’s not picked up with all the others it’s because he’s fat. So we have a child getting the flesh ripped from him and it’s played for laughs. This is all in the trailer which appeared over Labor Day. It’s the most macabre thing I’ve seen in I don’t know when.

In keeping with the overall banality of evil, it’s not hard to see where it will all go. Danny DeVito voices an exuberant Satan, who we’ll see to be a little bit evil, but mainly misunderstood. He exclaims the feminist slogan, “The future is female!” when he sees his spawn is not a boy. The girl being the Antichrist, I can only wonder if she’s not going to go up against the Christ—and God and Jesus and the forces of good will be against the poor queer child acquaintance of the Antichrist, and, whoa, who saw this twist coming? The forces of flesh-ripping evil are the good guys! The so-call good guys are mean old bigots who deserve to have their flesh ripped from them.

“Satan is the real, misunderstood hero” is a trope that goes all the way back to the 1660s and John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Milton didn’t mean to make Satan the hero of his epic poem, but Satan is the one heroically working to overcome his adversity while God is on His throne being flattered for Satan’s activities and the Fall of Man as being All Part of the Divine Plan. The edgy Romantic poets, Byron, Shelley, Coleridge, et al., of the late 1700s/early 1800s ate this stuff up and regurgitated it for appreciative audiences who were tired of going to church and being harangued by someone who was probably an old pervert, definitely a most degenerate sinner anyway.

Once more, with feeling: the groundwork for everything that’s happening now was laid way back in the Good Old Days. Go back to the Good Old Days, you’ll end up right where we are now, again, eventually.

Perhaps the hardest thing to accept is that whatever feelings we’re missing here during these holidays were misappropriated to begin with. I think of that scene in The Matrix in which the film’s Judas character explains to the antagonist why he’s betraying his comrades. He doesn’t care if life in a computer simulation is fake, he misses what it’s like to eat a steak. It may be just a dream, but it’s preferably to the grimy, hungry reality he’s suffering now.

The United States of America, the America of Mom, apple pie, and Chevrolet was marketing, nothing more. The illusion worked so long as you were making a good living and weren’t being harassed by corrupt law enforcement, the taxman, the crime in your deteriorating neighborhood, etc. The great majority of people are blessed thus, and too bad, so sad if you’re not. Even with the struggles going on now, with strange shortages of various foodstuffs, building supplies, etc., there are people who refuse to let go of the illusion. They can’t unplug from the Narrative by which they live their lives because they can’t imagine any other way. They grew up under the Narrative, they were schooled under the Narrative, they got jobs and got married in the name of the Narrative. To expect people to give up an illusion they’ve enjoyed all of their lives is stupid.

This can be most embittering to those of us who had our illusions forcibly ripped from us. “Let those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand.” Most everyone does not have the requisite eyes and ears. Most everyone is not called, let alone chosen. We must embrace this basic truth among the others neither seen nor heard in the world, and try and rejoice in knowing what we know, because we don’t see the illusion, just reality. But not all reality is bitter. Our God is real. His love and mercy are real. That’s where our focus should be, because it is cause to rejoice in a bitter and increasingly immiserated world.

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