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Seeing the Summer Out, 2022 Edition

Writer's picture: L. Roy AikenL. Roy Aiken

The current state of the apocalypse, with a weather report.


Summer’s heat came early this year, with no late-May snowstorms to inaugurate it. The heat may or may not leave on time, though it is fun for me to watch the 10-day forecasts on the weather page to see when the season begins to turn. Mid-August is when the leaves begin changing color and there’s a hint of chill to the morning air. As for the image below, I’m cheering most for the rain, and hoping we get plenty of it.

What’s notable in the above graphic is the return of low temperatures in the 40s Fahrenheit. This is the first summer I’ve seen with overnight temperatures in the low 50s as opposed to the mid-to-high 40s, but this negligible difference does not mean “climate change” is going to cook the planet. It’s been a hotter than usual summer. That’s all.

The hollyhocks and asters bloomed early. As for the hollyhocks, their leaves are beginning to yellow and they have begun their slow decline, all according to schedule. The asters, also known as “September glories” look like they’ll stick around for that month. Meanwhile, we still have the heat of summer, and a little over a week before Labor Day weekend. So what’s in the news?

The media narrative is shifting, sometimes a little too obviously, but it’s apparent liberalism is about to be putatively discredited in favor of a more “conservative” approach to things. I keep hearing about “the threat of emergent Christian Nationalism,” but as a Christian I call shenanigans on the concept.

First off, the ruling trash of this world would never, ever permit an ostensibly Christian nation to exist. Western Christendom is no longer a thing, and hasn’t been for a while. The powers that be have flooded Europe with so many Muslims it’s already halfway to becoming its own caliphate. That was the precise reason for that.

Evangelical celebrity preachers have long since discredited Christianity in the United States. We have more sober and serious Christians running for various offices but I don’t see them making much of a difference once elected, given the people they’ll be working with. As has been often pointed out, even by people who dislike the man, Donald Trump’s greatest accomplishment was outraging and arousing our permanent, unelected bureaucracy to the point it couldn’t hide anymore.

That said, we’re building up to a “red wave” of candidates that will be permitted to win their elections. Most people will be so euphoric at what seems to be a Great Turnaround they’ll forget the elections are rigged from the jump, and that no one who stands a chance of making a real difference will be permitted to win.

Nothing of importance will change. The economy will still be bad, only this time the so-called conservatives will be blamed for it, because the narrative insists that inflation started under President He Who Must Not Be Named with his initial stimulus checks during the original COVID scamdemic. Drag Queen Story Hour and sexual deviants creeping on children may be outlawed in some places, but that’s the extent of that. The deviants will simply double down on grooming what children they can access.

The media narrative will shift to make it look as if the good guys and wholesomeness are making a comeback, when all that’s changing is the tone of the narrative. The surveillance state will still be looking for dissidents to harass. The FBI will be cursed for being nothing more than the American spelling of KGB, but it’s not going anywhere. It will be doing the same totalitarian terror state things it does under a new director. That’s all. Sexual deviancy and anti-White, anti-Christian narratives will still be celebrated in the media, and promoted to children.

It’s a black pill that people need to swallow and accept. The antidote to any depressing side effects is to note that Christ and His promise of salvation is making more and more sense to people every day. The harvest of souls continues apace. We will still be a very small minority among the media worshippers and other misled sheep, which makes those souls saved all the more precious. As I like to say, point out how Christ can save them from the Hell people are in now, and you’ll save them from the Hell that comes later.

As much as I loathe the left/liberals/”woke”/whatever we’re calling this pathologically sick garbage, it would not surprise me to see the Antichrist come from the so-called right/conservative column. He’ll rise on appeals to morality and decency, and then change the rules on that morality and decency once he comes to power.

That’s one way it could happen. It could be someone promoting a “third way” beyond the two-headed uniparty system. That would generate a lot of excitement. Does it matter who or how this goes? Absolutely not.

The main thing is to stay vigilant. The COVID mandates were swept under the rug this month, but that’s because the ruling trash is desperately applying lipstick to the sick pig that is our economy. It’s almost hilarious reading the front page of the Reuters site. Almost. I’m reminded how we were propagandized throughout the 1980s on how great the economy was under Ronald Reagan, when it was clear that people who weren’t trading on the stock market were shut out of the party. Manufacturing was already being moved overseas. Entire towns in what was once called the rust belt were impoverished, but, oh, happy days. “If you’re not making money in this economy, something’s wrong with you!” was the prevailing attitude. It was useless to point out what was going on before everyone’s eyes because you’d be branded as a whining loser making excuses for your personal failure.

Fast forward to the third decade of the 21st century, when people who pointed out that wearing masks doesn’t prevent people from getting sick, the lockdowns were as unnecessary as they were injurious, and that the so-called vaccine are suspicious. Those people are cursed as anti-science “cultists” by the same creatures who fawned over the smirking quack Anthony Fauci as the savior of mankind.

“Let he who has eyes to see and ears to hear, listen!” is a running theme in the Bible, and especially in the book of Revelation. Too many are willfully blind and deaf. Hearts have been hardened.

Which is to say, it was always thus. As always, we’ll simply have to do the best we can with what’s left to work with.

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