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“There Is No Need To Be Upset”

Writer's picture: L. Roy AikenL. Roy Aiken

Sitting poolside, enjoying the decline.


The title and subtitle are memes I remember from as far back as 2013, the latter possibly from 2012. The first was a mockery of people losing their tempers on the Internet. It was all but guaranteed to further enrage the subject, thus escalating the hilarity.

I still find it a thoughtful reminder not to get too bent out of shape. So much of what we see in the media and online are what the family therapists call “invitations to anger.” ‘Tis a far, far better thing to be the serene, smiling cosmic gorilla than a comically screeching macaque.

“You’ll find me poolside, enjoying the decline” was a signoff used by bloggers back in the glory days of the Manosphere, a collection of men’s-only websites dedicated to men’s issues in a manner far more blunt and honest than your average men’s magazine from the supermarket rack. It described the attitude some men as far back as 2012 that the United States of America, even all of Western Civilization, was corrupt and broken beyond repair. These men would therefore dedicate themselves to acquiring property and wealth, staying fit, and generally checking out of the world as much as they could to avoid the worst of the inevitable collapse. What I liked was the veiled anger I felt behind it, i.e., “You dirtbags go ahead and wreck everything. I can’t stop you but I’ll give only the barest minimum to this system while resolving to care even less. You can’t hurt feelings that aren’t there anymore.”

Both memes are as relevant as ever to our Post-America world.

In a way, it is funny. Why should I be upset over “pronoun people” or being forced to “vaccinate” with a mRNA modifier when I’m antisocial, don’t go out much, if at all, and studiously avoid narcissists, whatever brand they ride for. I had to laugh at people getting upset that health officials will be going door to door to jab people who haven’t subjected themselves to whatever gruesome experiment is being conducted on the population. I’m not answering the door. Simple as that. “Dave’s not here, man.”

There is no need to be upset. I am poolside, enjoying the decline.

As for the other depredations and accelerating degeneracies of the Post-America regime, I am sad for the children and other innocents harmed by our culture. If I can do something to throw sand in the gears of any of this, I will. As it turns out I already participate very, very little in it. My days of anticipating movies and television shows are long over. I’m even losing interest in the old stuff. The good old days and their media content, however fondly we misremember them, still brought us to today.

Super Bowl 50 was the last pro-football game of interest to me. I haven’t cared about college ball in years. I’ve never was much of a sports guy to begin with. So the players are disrespecting the flag and anthem and now the NFL has declared “Football Is Gay.” There is no need to be upset.

What’s especially satisfying is that I did not turn away from these things in rancor. I simply could not maintain interest. I laugh to think that, while there is much to hate in what’s out there, I’m not giving in to hate. I will not engage. A Stoic shunning of the ruined institutions is the best way, the easiest to implement, and most helpful towards sleep and digestion. That it drives our faceless enemies bonkers with rage is a benefit you will fail to achieve if vengeance is your main motivator. You simply don’t eat junk food or consume junk media or pursue junk pastimes. It’s not your thing.

There is no need to be upset because you’re neither wallowing in filth nor engaging with the kinds of people who find such entertainments sublime. You’re poolside, enjoying the decline—and starving the beast in more ways than the immediately obvious.

The vaxx? Pass. Door-to-door “needle nazis?” I’m not answering the door. Seriously, what? Next case….

I do what I can to stay uplifted. One of the things that struck me during that first weekend of November when 4chan/pol/ was hijacked by deep state shills, was the sadistic glee I picked up on from some of the posters. It’s been noted time and again that everything from that strange, obvious CGI of Biden approaching reporters to the triumphant Time magazine article boasting of how the election was “fortified,” that the coup operators want us to know they know we know the election was stolen, and they’re laughing because they know we know they can tell us this and nothing will change.

Demoralization and breaking spirits appears to be very important to our faceless enemies running things. I laugh to remember how 4chan/pol/’s users rallied and drove the shills from the board using their own delightfully deranged psyops. Pushback is possible. Don’t give in to defeatism any more than you would to the hate.

The secession of sane, rational people from its occupier government begins in the heart. Yes, that, your spirit, whatever we’re calling it.

Poet Robinson Jeffers, now more than ever:

Let boys want pleasure, and men

Struggle for power, and women perhaps for fame,

And the servile to serve a Leader and the dupes

to be duped

Yours is not theirs.

Let the idjits double-mask and the fools take the vaxx, stand back and let it be. Whisper words of wisdom, it’s not my problem. Until, of course, they make it your problem. Until that time, however, we've got pools to maintain.

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